Listen. Look. Right. Let’s talk about it. Sure, I have not done stand up in approx. 18 years. And yes of COURSE it feels weird to do a show without the other two boys in SHEEPS. They’re my friends, you better bet I’ll miss them. If you had pals like that in your life you’d go into mourning every time they left the damn room. And no I don’t have time to do any previews so yeh the show at Mach WILL be the first time I ever do this stuff.
Does that make it a ‘Work In Progress’? No. The show’s finished, and it’s great. It’s good. Is it perfect? Yeh. Are there bound to be little things that go wrong on the day? No. Given more time, are there things I would ideally change or improve upon? No.
This thing’s the real deal. Don’t believe me? Buy tickets and come and watch. Please. Please.
‘Jonno I don’t live in Machynlleth so I won’t be able to see it.’
Move, then. Rocket science, it ain’t….